The Window In The Bathroom Thursday, Feb 23 2023 

Sitting nude next to an open window
on the 7th floor
& I have a joint in my fingers
I don’t normally drink gin
but it was purple
& I do love the color
I don’t know if I prefer to sway over the hot bath
or the cold street
I don’t know if I want someone to look up or if I wish to fall down
All I’m sure of
is that I shouldn’t be smoking this joint in the apartment.


Not much change Thursday, Jun 10 2021 

I used to watch you pass by at 17

Heart broken, jaded and mean,

I’m not much different now.

No, not much better now.

Big brother Wednesday, Dec 9 2020 

When i was 12 you would order sandwichs for me cause subway was to loud.

Id save you a seat next to me in the basement and you always made me feel a part of things.

Like it was ok to be there and I was wanted. 

After you always walked me to the train or my dad.

You made sure I was safe and always included.

I hold that inside of me as memory of haveing a faimly and being loved.

You are my mental safe place,

so why now do you make feel like I need to slink away quietly and hide?

Why do I feel like spill that needs to be hidden from the adults?

You’ve always been there to clean me up and set things right,

so why do I feel like I live under the rug with the rest of the dust and crumbs of the past.

I know we change as we grow,

But have we changed that much?

You loved me once,

I called you brother.

Where is my brother now?

Heavy fish Friday, Jan 10 2020 

most days i bring a notebook with me

i rarley use it

mostly i force it

like homework on the way to school

most days

not today

i forgot my notebook

and my sense

i dont know the exact point i lost my hold

when my grip slipped

but it did

today it did

so quickly it all went south

it was smooth sailing

then it was a sinking ship

and were both going down

im not sorry

but i still wanna save you

i was always a great swimmer

it was my one active talent

i even saved someone once

he was tall and panicking

but i liked him

he was a good human

and with all my determination and love i towed him ashore

almost went under with a few times but we made it

i was younger then

i had that stupid optimism

that blatant disregard for self preservation

my attitude has lost its boyancey

i feel heavy

and i dont know if were gonna make it to shore this time

but i still wanna save you

Notes: I’m ok but today was not a good one so far, this must me spelled to shit cause my hands are shaking and wordpress mobile has really crummy spell check features on my phone. Sorry for that. Hope you you enjoyed this emo crap writing.


A poem never to finished Monday, Oct 21 2019 

Without him I shall write a thousand tragic endings, with Newfound freedom I shall let my inspiration go wild. With its own agency it will fly across the page ending only in a bonfire of a million notebooks, none fit for the eyes of any reader. Free in body but not in spirit. I lament my own folly. A trick I have played on myself. the only punchline is an unfinished poem and not even a good one.

Pitiful please at empty air Thursday, Jan 10 2019 

I want to call you

I want to call and yell and sob and question what it was that happened to make us go so far wrong

I want to ask you if you remembered telling me that you loved that I was talking to you

And that you never wanted me to stop

But you haven’t called

Haven’t texted

And it has been three days

Long days and sleepless nights

I have barley eaten

It’s a hunger strike against myself

Like somehow the lack of sustenance will dull the synchronous firing neurons in my head

Makeing me remember every little sweet things between us

It makes my stomach twist and ache

But I haven’t given it anything expell

All I have to expell is sad poetry and harsh words.

Little fish, big fish. Saturday, Jul 1 2017 

Tomorrow my baby love come to see me

I’m nervous

I’ve brought him to the city before

but as a diver

Not as a fish of the pond

What if my waves are to choppy

What if my scales are to corse

What if he can’t swim to the deep end with me

I’m scared he won’t swim with me anymore

I tried.  Thursday, Apr 27 2017 

I was inspired, and I had the right fule. My fingers couldn’t keep up. All the books and paper have been boxes and I’m dammed to this screen. So I’m conclusion I tried to write, it was to be something worth reading as well but I’m sorry readers. Tonight I can’t make you a grate vison. I can’t pull from my soul a dark poem or two. I have no story’s to tell not even one tail and I definitely cannot give you a novel. Sadly I don’t even have a one liner for you, not even a limric. So I’m sorry my readers, I did try.



it was a dreadful decision. Friday, Apr 4 2014 

 you think you know about rock bottom?

you think this to shall pass?

you know nothing of the places iv been to.

you know nothing of real people

and you can’t fix everything with sorry

you cant glue together pieces of someone’s hopes and dreams

once innocence is lost its gone

some things you cant unsee or move on from 

you cant unhear word you never should have said

words are weapons 

and they can cut and slice and riddle to heart until its no more

just a piles of what the past used to look like

im not running from what iv become

everyone has a line 

and when its crossed it fight or flight 

i fight for anything i have left 

you can stomp out my optimism

you can take my home and my luxuries

all my memories you have proven false have two on either side   without you that you can never touch

your a rubbish excuse for an enemy 

and worse still you are my family

you were my friend

i loved you

so tell me was your trick fun?

taking so much time only to dismantle me

i dont understand.

and the worst is sometimes i don’t notice 

we were fine right?

it was safe?

when did we get here and how did it all get so so very wrong.