The Window In The Bathroom Thursday, Feb 23 2023 

Sitting nude next to an open window
on the 7th floor
& I have a joint in my fingers
I don’t normally drink gin
but it was purple
& I do love the color
I don’t know if I prefer to sway over the hot bath
or the cold street
I don’t know if I want someone to look up or if I wish to fall down
All I’m sure of
is that I shouldn’t be smoking this joint in the apartment.


Not much change Thursday, Jun 10 2021 

I used to watch you pass by at 17

Heart broken, jaded and mean,

I’m not much different now.

No, not much better now.

Unedited unspell checked late night write Wednesday, Oct 16 2019 

confessions from the bottom of my cups

I just want to smoke this blunt and be left alone

I just want to forget all the things

that I confessions from the bottom of my all of it

to deal with tomorrow

why can’t it be easy

why can’t I be one of those booshie fucks

in the tallest buildings next to the park

I work so hard and I fail so often

when is karma going to give me a break

I just want one thing to go right

one lucky break

whether it be a scratch card to pay my bills

or a job opportunity to better my career

I just want to know my boyfriend loves me

I just want to know I won’t be 34 single with no kids

Why can’t things be better

why can’t I be better

how low do I have to fall before I start to pick myself up

I was foolish believing that I had done that

when in reality the floor is just as absent below my feet

and where are all those friends I sang of

all the ones that would be there no matter what

I can count on one hand the ones I spoke to this week past

and then there’s me

me letting down my godmother

My Chosen godmother

My grandmother

my good aunt that was fucked up but was there for me before

my bad aunt Who fucked up always but made up for it in the ways that she knew how to

when does it boil down to me

when is it clear that it is I myself that is in the way of anything good

Is it when I have written a thousand poems never to be published or read?

Is it when I have died

When my sister has honored her agreement to publish the stacks of dust filled notebooks I keep under my bed

will I die before I understand what it is I need to be happy?

Do any of us really know what we need to be happy?

I’m not happy

but when I’m not myself at peace

I find I write best

It may not be the best writing but it comes out easily

So judge me if you want

but as I’ve said I’ll never be published

  • Foot note; fuck your punctuation and grammar. I’m emotional, I’m an artist and I needed to write this down. SO GET OFF MY BACK. ~see secondary footnote
  • *I have been published.



short relief of mental miasma . Saturday, Feb 15 2014 

if i could quiet my thoughts, i write you a song.

if i could make my hands cease their shaking, id write you a book.

id fill it with stories of adventure and love,

of heartbreak and conquest.

if i could quiet my thoughts,

and still my hand.

if i wasn’t broke and broken, id take you out on the town.

if could chase away my demons, id smile and it would be one just for you.

id take you to a table with with candles and ambience

id share my pasta in a way only lovers do

if i wasn’t broken

id do it just for you.


Today is new! And it rocks! Wednesday, Sep 19 2012 

….so I’m done with him=] its over! Happy and insane with anger? Who the fuck cares?! Ill kill em. Music sounds good, the cool breeze is refreshing and the weed is mine! No shareing! No more duce no more! Its fucking amazing! And yano I’m happy. I have my guy

lost lament to mushroom man what a day Saturday, Jul 21 2012 

My nest is bent but my wings are broken. The suns my only constant and my fethers have started smokin. Rise from the flames to live again, but there a hungry cat crouching around the bend.

a bull in a china shop Wednesday, Jun 13 2012 

Why feel so stupid
Its done and gone
Move on they tell me
Its fucking scary
What do you want from me?

Embrace it?
Go meet it head on?
Well I guess off with my head!

A bull will buck and smash
They don’t say sorry
Broken glass in a china shop right?

Who’s payin for that shit!
Not I said the cat…

ill tell you about those vines in the walls Tuesday, Sep 28 2010 

do see them vines

their growing out of the walls

and oh my gosh its hot in here

i need my umbrella

the heat lightning is staring to cause rain

witch is odd cuz its September

wheres all the snow

the white pearly hills of ice

do you remember the time we crashed into that snow bank

when we played pedidel and i got but ass naked in bunnys car

oh the times we’ve had

the long days lisening to system of a down smoking pot with the Russians

playing hand ball on a hot summer day

then walking to the egg cream for a slush puppy

ill tell you a secret

but shhhh you cant tell

the walls have ears and the vines are reaching for my soul

and here they come

Odd thoughts Thursday, Jul 22 2010 

Rats are crawling threw the holes in that fence
And she said its not for sale on our TV
Oh well we just need a better package
I’m to easily amused
Fuck robing a house
I’m ready for full out Bonni and clyed shit
With that girl..
Onward to Scotland!
Nessy will be found
And screw him she’s mine
Where in the book does it say
Putting something in a guys but makes him gay
I sure wish he’d learn black bird
I love that song
Kitty fest?
That sounds strange
I can’t wait to be a misa
This is a odd price of writing
OK I’m done