Not much change Thursday, Jun 10 2021 

I used to watch you pass by at 17

Heart broken, jaded and mean,

I’m not much different now.

No, not much better now.

You shall welcome us. Wednesday, Feb 3 2021 

A bottle of wine in and who are you?

I A wise lover to be headed

Or an old man looking for obedience

I am not your dog

But I will u bite..

Down on the hand of uniformity

We are not your progeny

We are our very own creatures

And we wait in the dark

The dark to you gave us to render you blind

And though you do not see us

We shall rise

And you,

Faint of heart

Shall crumble

We are the now

And you shall

Welcome us


Fear the progress

Do not fear me

I am you

And i will come for you.

-A.s.L. =^.^=©

4 years later & late at night Thursday, Jan 30 2020 

Sometimes I think about him and I miss him so much that it hurts

and in my pain I think I’m selfish for wanting one more conversation by the river

he doesn’t even need to hold me or touch me I just want to talk to him

one more time to toast with him and talk about the universe

To scold him for some of his opinions and then listen to all of his opinions

morning is so hard sometimesI feel like it can never end

I envy the people who go through all of the Motions all at once when they lose someone

I feel like I’ve locked so many things away that all the important things are in the back

there’s no way to get to them

but sometimes the light hits them just right and there they are looking back at me demanding that they are as important as they are and that I acknowledge them

just like that there’s a crack in the bucket

there’s a leak and before I can patch it it’s spilling all over the floor

but I always managed to seal it up

for a brief moment I had to be there and I have to write

it’s the only way to stay functional it’s my only Outlet

even though I once thought I was good at it regardless of if I am currently

its part of me

it’s all the notebooks under my bed

it’s all the regretful things that I wrote down

it’s morning it’s all of it

it’s me and i really miss him sometimes.

Heavy fish Friday, Jan 10 2020 

most days i bring a notebook with me

i rarley use it

mostly i force it

like homework on the way to school

most days

not today

i forgot my notebook

and my sense

i dont know the exact point i lost my hold

when my grip slipped

but it did

today it did

so quickly it all went south

it was smooth sailing

then it was a sinking ship

and were both going down

im not sorry

but i still wanna save you

i was always a great swimmer

it was my one active talent

i even saved someone once

he was tall and panicking

but i liked him

he was a good human

and with all my determination and love i towed him ashore

almost went under with a few times but we made it

i was younger then

i had that stupid optimism

that blatant disregard for self preservation

my attitude has lost its boyancey

i feel heavy

and i dont know if were gonna make it to shore this time

but i still wanna save you

Notes: I’m ok but today was not a good one so far, this must me spelled to shit cause my hands are shaking and wordpress mobile has really crummy spell check features on my phone. Sorry for that. Hope you you enjoyed this emo crap writing.


mistake Saturday, Jan 4 2020 

my fault

my fault

wait wait listen

I wanna tell you how I feel

no fuck you

and fuck me for trying

how dare I hope you would get it


shame on me

I wish I didn’t have to boil over to write a good poem

I wish I could wait till you were gone to write down

look over my shoulder

feed the fire with wood and wows

then scream at me to put out the fire

the fire is dead

the embers arnt glowing

I’m tired and my tears are flammable

so tip me over and pour me out

go on

hit me like a wack a mole ill pop back up for round 2

then wait

cause your gone

and you’ve been gone

just another mistake

just another one of my mistakes

A poem never to finished Monday, Oct 21 2019 

Without him I shall write a thousand tragic endings, with Newfound freedom I shall let my inspiration go wild. With its own agency it will fly across the page ending only in a bonfire of a million notebooks, none fit for the eyes of any reader. Free in body but not in spirit. I lament my own folly. A trick I have played on myself. the only punchline is an unfinished poem and not even a good one.

Something to look upon Friday, Jan 11 2019 

I find I write best when I am in a state of deep despair

we writers artists

those with the ink-stained fingertipss

and cries in our sleep

We create the most beautiful things out of the most decrepit

it is surviving

it is drinking in the water that sustains us

and also is us

it is releasing that water back to what nourishes us

What what hurt us by bearing us into this world

as we are

humans are unlike other creatures

we do things against our better judgment

we do not always do what is in our best interest

but we always do what we feel that is right

unless it is not right

Beauty comes from pain

strength from injury

wisdom from mistakes

we hold within us all of the knowledge in our very short life unless we will it from our heads unless we practice that will

to banish what torments us

we are not like other creatures

we do not do what is in our best interest

I do not do what is in my best interest

but I do what I feel is true to who I am

and when I am in a state of deep despair

I write the sweetest poetry

and to me

a person critical to myself more than any other

sweetness does not come lightly

and pain does not come easily

I have built up a large tolerance for it

I have ignored things

I have grown spoiled with technology

and distracted with mild pleasures

and pleasant evenings

I forgot how painful Being Human can be

But we will do what we feel like we need to do

and I feel like I need to spill it all out

whether to a page or a screen

fingertips cold from typing in the harsh winds

or black from a popped pen

because writers

because artists

have no other way to relieve the cries at night

or a deep states of despair

so we put it here

anyway we can

and we let it be

for someone to read or look upon

and connect with

because we are creatures that do not act within our best interest

Pitiful please at empty air Thursday, Jan 10 2019 

I want to call you

I want to call and yell and sob and question what it was that happened to make us go so far wrong

I want to ask you if you remembered telling me that you loved that I was talking to you

And that you never wanted me to stop

But you haven’t called

Haven’t texted

And it has been three days

Long days and sleepless nights

I have barley eaten

It’s a hunger strike against myself

Like somehow the lack of sustenance will dull the synchronous firing neurons in my head

Makeing me remember every little sweet things between us

It makes my stomach twist and ache

But I haven’t given it anything expell

All I have to expell is sad poetry and harsh words.

Doubt Wednesday, Mar 16 2016 

What can fall from beneath our feet once the gound is already gone?
I used to ask myself that I’m fear and paranoia but I had no idea what I feared till now.
I’ll share with you what can cause such a sensation as loseing a stability that was never there.
It’s doubt.
When something you were certain of, something as solid as a rock in your hand is now a constant question. A question leading to riddle that’s answer is a math question. Doubt is what I was fearing And doubt is my newest dispare.

Thursday, Dec 11 2014 

Love like a sister

Be loyal like a brother

Kiss with the passion of a new lover


If you must fight

Do it for for a just cause

& Do so as tho if you do not win you shall die


If you must cry

Confront your problems

Show them your tears and be sure to get them all out

Never cry alone


Happiness tho seldom does happen

Enjoy it and never hide a smile if its real

This life is long and made for disappointment

So if you find your self happy

Be happy












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